Hola pals!
Long time no talk here *tho just 2days i think* hoho..
How r u pals? Hope evrythng is alrite.. this post, i wanna talk about yesterday, and today..
Im having so much FUN!!
both 2days full of skype session..

The first is with WELLY SUTANTO.. So much fun at that time.. He looks more handsome now.. so excited waiting 4 ur coming 2 indonesia!
And one thing makes me jealous, hes going out wif rebecca raissa there! ROFTL..
common bro.. Come back here! well hang out.. Of course at ur fav place ever! bc! LOL.

The second session is with funniest person...taralalala *siperutgendud* aka *chupatkai* aka *stupidoo*LOL.
Actually, he didnt have the cam already, but last monday he bought it.. And started 2 action wif his new webcam LOL. He doing many stupidd actionss.. Especially wif his dynamic picture..
this night session wif him, he tricked me! He said he would show me his action like his dynamic pict.. Poor me he wasnot :(
And also Poor me, he took alots of my ugly picture hiks T.T but its okay! Revenge sounds gud ;p wait 4 me.. And 2 things u owe me! Sing a song and show me ur stupid face! LOL.

The third session is wif THIO DANNY.. Wow.. Its short but quiet gud. Im shocked wif his teeth OMG. He can put off and on his teeth.. He told me that when he laughed, suddenly the teeth is fell off.. Sound gud and great LOL.. Next time ull come to indo *next30jan* u must join our class @ ms.lusi dude!!

to be continue at the next post.. Ciao :p

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1 komentar:

f`La mengatakan...

add skype ku tid =p