oo heppiii day

hiaaaaaa.. today .. oo hepi dayy.. syalalala....
ulangan is over ait hehhe.. dah bar ulangan fisika.. hehe.. asik2..
trus hr ni ngapain ia??
nonton saw V d kls.. hehhe..
sink nontonke ndak lain ndak bukan .. SKIPPER SINK GANTENG DEWE..hiakakkaa...
(btw ni orge d sblhku heheh)
ada ndak yg udah ntn saw I-V??
paling bgs mn? pling kejem kan yang 2 3 gt de mnrtku.. n itu pling keren ehehe.. bnr ndak si??
ei2 tadi to.. ada pertengkaran kecil gt de antara si S dan si E..gara2 ap?? guess what??
hahaha.. gara2 mslh foto? aduh2.. antara deep and fortuna.. but in this case.. i cant choose the one i choose hehhe.. but its finaly getting clear.. ahak2.. hehehe..
anddddd finalyy. jreng jrenggg... toeng2 tuing2 (kayak ap ae)
deep is our choice!! ehehe..
aduh2.. ni geg extra jepang.. ndak mudenk dee... but its okay rait heheh..
sbenere apa gak asik bel bhs french??
oui.... hehhe
ia dah.. thu mr nya udah mulai koar2 hehee

hav a blessed day!!

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