You make it real for me

Am montag ist Sylvester 2009..
Am dienstag ist Neujahr 2010..
offen neujahr, bitte rechts fahren..
willkommen 2010.. Schön neujahr!

Happyyy neww yearr everyone!

Cant say anything this time :(

Just want to post this song..

There so much crazziness surounds me.. There so much going on, it gets hard to breathe..
when all my faith has gone, u bring it back to me.. You make it real for me..
When im not sure of my priorities, when ive lost site of where i meant to holy water washing over me.. You make it real for me..
And im running 2 you baby.. Ure the one who saved me.. that why ive been missing u lately.. Cause u make it real for me..
when my head is strong but my heart is weak.. Im full of arrogance and uncertainty... But i can find the words, you teach my heart to speak.. You make it real for me..
I guess there's so much more i have to learn.But if ure here with me.I know which way to turn.u alwys give me somewhere.Smwhere i can learn..


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Tribute to James "The Rev" Sullivan - Avenged Sevenfold

I special made this post for The Rev..

It hass been years i knew him..
The song will never be forgotten in my life., DEAR GOD..
Your music makes me see the other world i never imagine im into it..
I love your music.. Since i was in Junior high school..
I still remember that yesterday i still sing ur song.. And my this is the decision..
Afterlife.. Yeaa.. I sang that song..

Dear God,, the only thing i asked of You is to hold Him when we're not around.. When we're much too far away.. Seize the day,carpe diem.., it wont be regret.. Its the afterlife of yours.. Youre not belong here now.. Let you get your a little piece of heaven.. never be Lost with Him..

Like walking into a dream, so unlike what you've seen
So unsure but it seems, ’cause we’ve been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right
Such a surreal place to see so how did this come to be
Arrived too early

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong
I've come to grips with life and realize this is going too far

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife

’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here

A place of hope and no pain, perfect skies with no rain
Can leave this place but refrain, ’cause we've been waiting for you
Fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste
Of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway

This peace on earth's not right (with my back against the wall)
No pain or sign of time (I’m much too young to fall)
So out of place don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign
I've made up my mind

Gave me your hand but realize I just wanna say goodbye
Please understand I have to leave and carry on my own life

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

Loved ones back home all crying ’cause they're already missing me
I pray by the grace of God that there's somebody listening
Give me a chance to be that person I wanna be
(I am unbroken; I’m choking on this ecstasy)
Oh Lord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me
(Unbreak me, unchain me, I need another chance to live)

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escape from this afterlife
’Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here
Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you
This place full of peace and light, and I’d hope you might
Take me back inside when the time is right

we will always love you..
We will miss you
James owen sullivan
The Rev
Avenged sevenfold
28-12-09 1pm usa

With love..

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Merry Christmas everyone!

Today is christmas day.. The day that remember us, Christ was born.. And all for us. His abundant grace will lasting through it all.. And i'm here, feeling blessed and thankful that He's the one who care of my life, Who never leave me, Who always know.. That i need HIM. =]

Thats a little pray from me 2 my lovely Jesus Christ .. I love You moree <3

And now, for all, i just wanna wish u a Merry Christmas!! Bon noell..
Should i sing jingle bells too in here?
Bet u all shocked wif my angel voices ROFTL...

Hmm. Today, just do nothing.. LOL.
But im very happy today.. Dunno what..

I just watched my brothers got crazy with their laptop..
Arnold re-format the lappy and the data were lost! All the drive c! OMG. Theres my photos there,.
But.. Voila~ recovery apps is very great invention!!
So much fun with both of my brothers today..

so much fun for few last days in 2009!!

thats all guys..
Love u all!!
Smooch smooch :-*

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Busyyy Busyyyy!! aaaa

PASKIBRA!! aaa.. ndak terasa dah maw 17 agustusan hehe.. ceped bgt ya.. 2 taon lalu udah jadi paskibra.. taun ini penssiun dulu ah.. udah ngommong ni sama Pak ARIS hehe..
tapi asik jugag lho jadi paskibra hehe.. isa cabut pelajaran trus hehe.
tapi... bulan2 ini ak udah sibuk bgt si ya.. ngurusin acara REUNI AKBAR KARANTURI 80th.. acara Agustusan OSIS.. KATALOG.. EXPO.. ENTERPREUNER FESTIVAL.. KBC!! huahhh
KBC alias KARANGTURI BASKETBALL CHALLENGE thu gila bgt.. taun ini masa diadain 2 kali? gara2 taun lalu yang di delay.. jatuh 2 x deh taun ini.. hehhe..
wkt KBC january kemaren.. ak pulang rumah jam 12 malem.. stgh 1 pagi juga pernah.. wew.. mantab deh pokonya..
untung OSISnya seru2 hhehe..
ya moga2 kesibukan di awal taun ajaran isa ta lakuin the best aja de hehe

OIA... ad yang taw tempat les jahit yang bagus??
message me ya hehe..

have a blleessseddd deeiii

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di penghujung jalan pengumpulan tugas

hiaayaa.... whaddup oll hehhe..
astrid is coming to town again hehe..

humm.. welll welll..
todei?? hpy skul or not??? heheh
ak dtg ke skul jam ke2.. dan tnyata.. yang langsung msk jm ke 2 gak astrid seorang.. si *** juga barengan ak msknya jam ke 2 hehehe..
trus td d skul to.. ad sumthing happened.. BU EKA marah untuk kesekian kalinya di klsku hahaha..
trus gak dikasi nilei de smua ank d klsku.. gr2 gak ad yg bawa bahan.,. marah2 deh bu eka ckckkc.. maapkan kmi smua bu hehehe..

trus sumthing i must 2do todei is doing my assgnmnt.. TUGAS ADOBE!! Aaaaa malez bgt buat tutorialnya adobe hiks2.. ntar klo uda jadi kutunjukin de.. hrz di puji hiahaha...

trus dftar kegiatan osis ni.. lum buat blaz hahaha...
(maap ia ak boonk td bu ;p)

ill make it soon iaaa bu hehehe..

ni agy buat ni.. doakan tugas adobe nya cped selesai ia.. heheh

mwah2 4 all..

hav a blessed dei..

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Aku bangga jadi ANAK KARTUR

siapa si anak kartur di sini?
apakah kalian semua bangga jadi anak karturr??
4 me..
ya aku bangga.. im proud of my school.. why??
belakangan ni ad yg buat akuuuu bangga bgt..
isa mbuwat ak senyum2 dewe liak skul ku sink top margotop good mardogood hehhe...
pada taw gak si acaara DBL gt??
dilaksanai da gor shabat gt..
karturku isa ndatengin supporter lbh dr 600!!
apa gak bangga bgt si??
satu tribun full anak2 pake bj merah or ksquad
hiks.. terharu bgt..
usaha osis selama ni ndak sia2 lah ehhe.. thx 4 all..espcially 4 oll who fight on the stage.. ciee... hope oll of u can get treble winner!! karangturi is a history maker?? aitt?? hehehe a big YES hehhe..
pokonya final party aruz rame.. no matter what happen.. karturku menang lagii.. oooo..
smua lawan kudu takluk ia hehe..
kudukung dalam doa heheh..

hmmmm todei??
aruznya ni ari aku ke jogja gt,, ngelayat slh satu guru ku... OSIS aruz ngirimin salah empat dr wakilnya gt ke sono.. eeee... untung ak gak ikud de.. pulangnya mpek mlm bgt gt hahaa.. ppdhl aruznya ni aku ke valen.. tp becoz of smthng ak ndak jd dtg de...

(u must read thiz hehehe)

truz buat LIO yg bsok tes toefl.. cmon nyo.. u can du it oll hehehe..
biar buku yg t pinjemke ndak sia sia gt ehhee..
raihlah asa mu diii amrik sono hehehe :P

kkoko ARNOLD!!
A BUNCH OF LOVE 4 U!! hepi bdei ia my big brother hehehe..
umur 21 nek cowok thu dah dws.. ta doake cped2 dpt pcr iaa... mwah2..
my wizh and pry olwes be with u ehhehe...

koko APIN..
asem ak ia iri too huhuhuh..
(iri ap ia?? ..... rahasia :P)

oia.. ak lupa nyampein misiku ni hehe..
misiku.. 100 pages of fashion drawingku selesai minggu ini.. AMEN..
doain ia temen2?
ntar nek ak dah ahli blogspot.. ak masukin deh sum of them hehe.. oce?

pray 4 me guyzz..

love eu oll..
hav a blessed dei!!

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warnawarni is astrid (dan xia2)

ciattttt,,, astrid kembali lagi ahhaha

btw.. sbelum ke topikkkk utama.. ad bad bad bad news!! aduh.. ak dikuarin dr kelas thu.. abis ngetik postinganku sblm ini.. omigozz.. gr2 ribut + ga nyatet.. na gimana... pelajarana bhs jepang.. u noe?? i cant speak that language getoo huks2.. gapapalah.. its okay hahaha... 4 fun, ak bisa pulang lbh awal hhahahahha ;o (lho??)

kembali ke topik utama...
warnawarni is astrid?? mksdnya?? hmmm mksdunya yang dimaksudkan oleh maksud ituuuu adalah... astrid itu warnawarni hahha.. dudud pol ah..
hmmm astrid itu punya banyak warna.. ada merah.. ada kuning.. ada hijau... ada biru... ada ungu.. ada jinggaa... hahaha

blkngn ni ak suka yangg colooorrrpulll.. ndak taw napa ik.. napa coba?? ada yang bisa kasik taw kenapa?? hmmm..

haha gak gak.. td melenceng dr topik.. hmm ak thu merasa hiduppkuuu penuhh warnaa heheh.. kehidupan kelaskuuu tepatnya hehe

xia2members (as my memory si urut absen ahaha)
si anne : nyah wilpan sink edan pol haha.. tiada dirinya.. tiada si suara cempreng wkwkkw
si astrid : ANAK PALING BAEK DI KELAS gituuu hahaha
si lala : si loudspeaker ehhee,. nyengkring di telinga iz suaranyaaa
si david : AAD?? no komen ahhaa
si ayong : maskotnya xia2 wkaka.. engkong dr segala engkong.. (fyi : lulus sma umur20 wkkwkw)
si donngkidong : aduh2.. si verchiel satu ini wkkaa... teman debad saia lhoioo

(duh dah ndak konek ni.. lupa absennya temen2 hehhe, acak ajaaa)
si caca : suka e cit** wkaka.. bener ndak ca?? huahauha, boo boo imoett io wkkw
si teli : hemaprodit??
si susi : wkakka bu putu dari bali wkaka.. jangan trepengaruh bujug rayu bang teli hahaha
si upil : kenapa upil?? haha.. wajah e elastis
si tessa : iak... the most atlestis woman in this class hiak hiak.. k one...
si evan : van.., akankah 10 tahun kita sekelas? wkkwkw
si maripo : belah duren bro? wkak.. .zhe shi wo de bro haha
si theot teblung : ada kodok tekotek tekotek ahha.. si sifilisnya xia2
si limpunk : (mana si kota limpunk itu brada?? ooop.. desa limpunk hehe... HPYbdy dude!! haha.. ill give u more kodok 4 ur bdei present hehhe )
si umbel : umbel dan upil bersahabat wkkw.. tmpt curhatkuu
si mon2 : ibuku hahaha
si yosh : putihe asataganagaaa
si lia : si lebai? wkkwkw
si fella : perpustakaanku hiakakaka
si yohan : susi 4ever io??kwkwkw
si jati : ndud2 e xia2 io jat.. 4yi.. matanya guedeeeeeeeeeeeee bgt hahaha
si ria : bu benda sejati io ya ? wkkw
si willjem : anake bu nuning wkkwkw
si shitzu : haha.. suarane podo cempreng e mbek ane hehehe

ad yg ketinggalan ndak?? huaaa
fyi ni ak ty sama upil ma evan 4 remembering oll thoze guys haha...

upppss 1 lagi..
mr yorie ganteng as the guru hahah...
(paling ganteng se antero karangturi ia pak? ahha apizzz ^^)

ieps.. thats ollll bout xia2 yg colorpul haha..
xia2 yang ndak sekompak kelas2 laen tp plg asik!!
xia2 yg dah buat smua guru marah..
xia2 yang kata2ne cocok jadi kelas ipa-s
xia2 yang edan
xia2 yang alfa damn omega (nilai ulangan fis aghahaha)
xia2 yang keren banget.. NILAI ULANGAN MAT TUNTAS SMUA.. (ia remidinya kan cuma 1 org hiks2.. biar keren tulis aja smua nya heheh)

xia2 is the way i am.. mwah2 4 moi klazz heheh.

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oo heppiii day

hiaaaaaa.. today .. oo hepi dayy.. syalalala....
ulangan is over ait hehhe.. dah bar ulangan fisika.. hehe.. asik2..
trus hr ni ngapain ia??
nonton saw V d kls.. hehhe..
sink nontonke ndak lain ndak bukan .. SKIPPER SINK GANTENG DEWE..hiakakkaa...
(btw ni orge d sblhku heheh)
ada ndak yg udah ntn saw I-V??
paling bgs mn? pling kejem kan yang 2 3 gt de mnrtku.. n itu pling keren ehehe.. bnr ndak si??
ei2 tadi to.. ada pertengkaran kecil gt de antara si S dan si E..gara2 ap?? guess what??
hahaha.. gara2 mslh foto? aduh2.. antara deep and fortuna.. but in this case.. i cant choose the one i choose hehhe.. but its finaly getting clear.. ahak2.. hehehe..
anddddd finalyy. jreng jrenggg... toeng2 tuing2 (kayak ap ae)
deep is our choice!! ehehe..
aduh2.. ni geg extra jepang.. ndak mudenk dee... but its okay rait heheh..
sbenere apa gak asik bel bhs french??
oui.... hehhe
ia dah.. thu mr nya udah mulai koar2 hehee

hav a blessed day!!

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aktif kembali!!

akhirnya... setelah sekian lama penantian ku.. haha.. ak ngisi blog ini juga..
setelah terabaikann haha..
humm.. kangen juga de rasanya nulis blog bgini hihi..
todeii... ak do something really auch hahaha.. bodonya diriku nonton pilem horor hanya sama si caca... udah bioskop sepi.. yang kutonton apa coba? omiggoz TEROWONGAN RUMAH SAKIT... seorang astrid yang kata orang2 (kata orang2 lho.. digaris bawah hehe) pembereani.. tadi si mnciutr thu nonton pilem itu haha.. aduh. pokoknya gak lagi de nonton berdua doang.. kalo sama pacar si oke lah ahha.. sama si caca yg juga takut.. maknyuzz haha..
aduhh biz thu ak juga sdikit.. eh banyak bingung ni ma OSIS ku tercinta hehhe..
katalog gimana nii?? aduh2..
kasi idea plizz.. hahaha... ak pengen do the best 4 moi skull.. and thiz iz d way.. rait?? heheh..
smua pengen dunk jdi yang terbaek buat the one he/she loved hehe..
ak juga janji ma seseorang ni.. supaya gak EGOIS, NO MORE UNSENSITIVE, EMOTIONAL... moga2 si dia gak baca deh ni hehehe... ill try 2 be that!! hehhehe...
doakan teman2.. hehe
aduh.. adam khoo is coming to town iaeeee!! hahha.. kayak santaclaus aja de heheh...

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